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October 18, 2011
October 18, 2011

Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson, David Getman, David Caporello, Tom Lynch, and John Vieira from the PCC were in attendance as well as Kale Kalloch- Getman.

Holly Palmgren called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

The minutes for the September 20, 2011 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.

A Request for Determination filed by Scott Peoples for Brian and Heather Ferguson for 104 Ball Hill Road, Princeton for the replacement of an existing cesspool with new septic tank and pump chamber approximately 135 feet from the bank of Cobb Brook. A site visit on 10-17-11 with David Getman, Ron Thompson, and John Vieria and on the 18th David Caporello took place. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:02 PM and closed at 7:06 PM.  A Negative Determination with a Category 2 was issued.  Revised plans were received by the PCC.

A request from Tom Daley for an informational discussion regarding Mechanic Hall, East Princeton:  
1.      What issues if any does the PCC have with the Mechanic Hall Site:
        A shared well with the Town Line Garage and Quick Stop is there now.
2.      Would a well on the site be grandfathered:
PCC determined that no well could be put in the resource area, but could be put in the buffer zone.
3.      Can a well be put into the wetlands or what are the setback requirements:  
The wetlands need to be delineated and they will need DCR Approval.
4.      What type of erosion control barriers would be needed and where to put them for renovation of the hall:.  
        It would depend upon the delineation of the wetlands.
5.      Does the PCC have any other guidance for this project:  Following the delineation then the PCC can offer guidance for this project.

A continuation of a Notice of Intent filed for Linda Potter by Green Hill Engineering for property located at 288 Sterling Road, Princeton for the repair of the septic system.  DEP File No. 267-0358.  A Public Hearing was opened at 7:15 PM and closed at 7:25 PM.  Revised plans were presented to the PCC.  An Order of Conditions was issued with Special Conditions.

A Enforcement Order was sent to Russell Clark at 199 Ball Hill Road, Princeton regarding trees being cut, Upon site visit on 10-17-11 with David Getman, Ron Thompson, and John Vieria and on the 18th David Caporello, it was determined that it was clean up from the ice storm damage near the So. Wachusett Brook as well as the wetlands on the property.  National Heritage species identified in the area  - wood turtles.  PCC will send info on the Wetlands Protection Act and a letter is being drafted to explain the protocol for clean up.

A site visit was conducted with David Getman, Kale Kalloch-Getman regarding a wash out area on Ball Hill Road.  They suggested that the PCC talk to the selectman – Town Highway Dept. to take care of the washout, but to use proper channels to do it.  PCC needs to be pro active about areas of concern in the roads regarding washouts.  PCC needs to identify all locations of concerns in the roads and start with the Highway Dept. then go to the Selectmen to have it handled.  Dave Getman and Paul Richards will speak with Glynn Lyons from the Highway Dept.


Discussion of a letter from Apex Properties and plans dated October 10, 2011 regarding 31 B Bullard Road, Princeton for the construction of a garage for John Clementi.  The PCC determined it was out of PCC jurisdiction.


Tom Lynch to present the PCC with an update on the Wachusett Mountain Road Project.
Tom does a site visit about once a week now.  A site visit was set to address the issues of  breeches in the hay bales and silt fences, to have them fixed and a continual inspection and repair as time goes on.

Wachusett Mountain Association – Ski Area, has work going on that is not in the Resource Area.  PCC will recommend that Wachusett Mountain Associates have the resource area delineated since the last time was in 1995.
PCC to discuss the use of the Hayfields Lease Monies, the specific uses, David Caporello will talk to the Grant writer for the State regarding Constraints of the account..


Gregory Hill Road, Princeton owned by David Hall, prepared by Joe Smith for the cutting of 6.5 acres.

Gates Road, Princeton owned by Janet MacDonald, prepared by Joseph Lee for the cutting of 65.41 acres.

Mirick Road, Princeton owned by Edwin Carlson and Kathleen Sweeney for the cutting of 46+/- acres.

Mirick Road, Princeton owned by Jennifer Dexter for the cutting of 12.5 acres.

Houghton Road, Princeton owned by DCR for the cutting of 165.5 acres.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.